S3E3 - Limerence & Emotional Unavailability (EU)
Listen to this if you are avoidant in love!
Episode Notes
In this video, I talk about one of the most common signs of Limerence: Emotional Unavailability (EU). Are you emotionally unavailable whilst also attracting similar people? I also talk about a simple strategy you can start using today to be more emotionally connected to yourself, and as a result start moving away from emotional unavailability to emotional availability. In doing so, you will find yourself attracting better relationships and partners as well as a love that is what you've been desiring!
Grab these resources: 🎉How Limerent Are You? FREE Quiz: https://abstractedcollective.com/qsm_quiz/how-limerent-are-you/ 🎉Get your limerence questions answered in this workshop: https://abstractedcollective.com/limerence-workshop-1-can-i-experience-love-emotional-unavailability/ 🎉Grab the Breaking up with Limerence Book & Start healing today: https://abstractedcollective.com/how-to-break-up-with-limerence-romantic-obsession/ 🎉Read more Limerence posts on https://abstractedcollective.com/tag/limerence/ 🎉Get 1 on 1 email coaching right here on any limerence issue: https://buy.stripe.com/9AQbK86iggp29Yk01h
Connect with me: 🎉Watch this ep on YouTube and subscribe to my channel for more: https://youtu.be/CnPfqR-JSJ4 🎉My instagram: @abstractedcollective 🎉My website: https://abstractedcollective.com